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  • "Top Performing Smallcase of the Year "2024

"Top Performing Smallcase of the Year "2024

Best Smallcase Of the Year 2024

"I've been tracking This all small case since March and have been impressed with its resilience during market volatility. The strategy has shown minimal drawdowns compared to other small cases, and the stock selection has been excellent, featuring well-known names that have delivered strong performance.

Overview About Gulaq gear 6

This portfolio follows a directional strategy that aims to consistently outperform the benchmark equity index while maintaining high volatility. It is a quantitatively managed fund that implements a systematic rule-based trading model to remove human subjectivity.

  • Systematic Rule-Based Trading

  • Identifying Investible Businesses in S&P BSE 500

  • Agnostic to Sector and Market Capitalization

  • Identify stocks using a combination of technical and fundamental factors

  • Allocate capital to equities on the basis of market valuations

    Pros & Cons Gulaq gear 6


1. Diversification: The smallcase invests in a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks, providing a diversified portfolio.

2. Sector allocation: The portfolio is spread across various sectors, minimizing risk.

3. Long-term approach: The smallcase focuses on long-term growth, making it suitable for investors with a similar time horizon.

4. Professional management: The portfolio is managed by experienced professionals, ensuring timely rebalancing and adjustments.


1. Fees: The management fees are slightly higher compared to other smallcases.

2. Risk: As with any equity investment, there is a risk of market volatility and potential losses.


The Gulaq Gear 6 smallcase is a solid investment option for those seeking a diversified, long-term portfolio. While fees are slightly higher, the professional management and strategic approach make it a worthwhile consideration.

Rating: 4.2/5

Please note that this review is a general assessment and not a personalized investment advice. It's essential to consult with a financial advisor or conduct your own research before investing.

Tips: Minimum investment amount recommended 6Lakh

Click and check out

About the smallcase

Explore the potential of our high momentum strategy, which balances performance and volatility for the opportunity of long-term growth and the potential to outperform the index.

Key highlights include:

  • Track record of consistently outperforming benchmarks in diverse conditions.

  • A diverse, 20-25 stock portfolio, handpicked from the top 500 universe.

  • High-quality stocks with strong momentum and low volatility.

  • Return potential in bull markets and resilience in high-risk regimes.

  • Monthly portfolio rebalancing to maintain low turnover.

Invest in our Momentum Strategy for potential rewards, supported by proven performance and smart risk management.

Pros And Cons of Wright Momentum


1. Consistent outperformance: The small case has consistently beaten the benchmark indices, demonstrating the team's expertise in identifying momentum stocks.

2. Strategic approach: The strategy focuses on momentum stocks with strong fundamentals, providing a balanced approach to investing.

3. Regular rebalancing: The team regularly rebalances the portfolio, ensuring that the momentum stocks remain aligned with the strategy.

4. Transparency: The smallcase provides clear and concise updates, making it easy to understand the investment decisions.


1. Higher fees: The management fees are slightly higher compared to other small cases.

2. Risk: As with any momentum strategy, there is a risk of rapid price swings and potential losses.


The Wright Momentum small case has delivered impressive results, and I appreciate the team's expertise in identifying momentum stocks with strong fundamentals. While fees are slightly higher, the performance justifies the cost. I recommend this small case to investors seeking a momentum strategy with a balanced approach.

Rating: 4.5/5

Please note that this review is based on my personal experience and should not be considered as personalized investment advice. It's essential to conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before investing.

About the small case

This smallcase is created on the basis of investment criteria set out by Robbie Burns, a UK-based trader, in his book ‘The Naked Trader: How Anyone Can Make Money Trading Shares’. These criteria have been adapted to Indian stock market conditions to build this smallcase.

  • First, the financial vigour of stocks is checked and only those stocks whose revenue, earnings and dividend payouts have increased in the most recent financial year are selected

  • Next, companies whose debt burdens are low relative to their operating profits are selected. Low-debt companies pay low interest, which automatically boosts profitability. Such companies are relatively better off even when the business environment is facing a downturn

  • In addition to this, the model also checks for ratios like PE, so that reasonably-priced stocks are selected

Pros And cons


1. Simple and transparent approach: The strategy is easy to understand, and the team provides clear explanations for their investment decisions.

2. Long-term focus: The smallcase takes a long-term view, avoiding frequent buying and selling.

3. Diversified portfolio: The portfolio is well-diversified across various sectors and market capitalizations.

4. Consistent performance: The small case has consistently delivered returns in line with its benchmark.

  1. Free small case you can invest in this small case for free


1. Not for short-term investors: The strategy is designed for long-term investors, and short-term market volatility may lead to temporary losses.


The Naked Trader smallcase offers a refreshing approach to investing, prioritizing transparency and simplicity. The team's long-term focus and diversified portfolio have delivered consistent performance. I recommend this small case to investors seeking a straightforward, long-term investment strategy.

Rating: 4.5/5

Please note that this review is based on my personal experience and should not be considered personalized investment advice. It's essential to conduct your own research and consult with a financial advisor before investing.